Technical Politics

(Welcome to Mark Grebner, looking forward to reading his columns – promoted by lpackard) Introducing a compilation of technical findings from research conducted by Mark Grebner and his firm, Practical Political Consulting.
Grebner :: Technical Politics – Mark Grebner
I’ve decided to keep a log with various arcane bits of wisdom, not with the expectation that many people will find them interesting, but as a resource to use on the rare occasions people ask questions which they answer.Old research will be summarized without the underlying statistics, simply because I don’t preserve the SPSS output.  More precisely, my method of archiving involves building huge piles of paper, without any index or sortation.  It’s easier to repeat the study than find the previous work. New research will include more detailed description of methods and data – simply because they’ll still be at hand while I’m writing. Some of my work will not appear here, generally because it was paid for by a specific client whose interests must be taken into account.