FLASH! Draft Re-Do bill is out

I don’t have the text yet, but they’ve released a copy of the bill.  Same details as have been previously mentioned, with a few twists:


1) abolishes May School elections

2) abolishes changes election process for precinct delegates

3) all lists will be public – INCLUDING JAN 15 LIST

4) no cross-check requirement, but participants must affirm they haven’t participated in any other party’s nominating process.


What’s the deal they’ve given Bishop?


Please post corrections/additions as you hear them….


Grebner :: FLASH! Draft Re-Do bill is out
The lists will be “public”, but it will be illegal to do anything with them that involves any “expectation” of “remuneration”, which I think means it can’t be used for anything.

Needless to say, use by the two major parties is exempt from these limits.