Gravel goes wild in Mich (GrebWatch day 13)

On the “Gr” theme (maybe I subconsciously like Grand Rapids), DetNews tells us the “Gr”eat Mike Gravel, like the Democratic Santa Claus or something, be comin’ to town: see Gord Trowbridge, Dems’ long shot speaking in Mich.,


    He’s the longest of long shots, but former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel is the only Democratic presidential candidate who’s setting foot in Michigan.
Gravel will be in southeast Michigan on Wednesday and Thursday for campaign appearances on three college campuses. The rest of the Democratic field is boycotting Michigan, refusing to campaign here because the state has moved its primary to Jan. 15 in violation of national scheduling rules.
Over the weekend, national Democrats voted to bar Michigan from the summer’s national convention as punishment. But Gravel spokesman Alex Colvin said Gravel believes Michigan is being mistreated.
“We were not pleased to see Michigan lost its delegates,” Colvin said. While Gravel opposed any state moving ahead of New Hampshire’s Jan. 8 primary, Colvin said, he believes Michigan should be allowed to take its current slot, a week after New Hampshire. …
…Colvin said the campaign believes it can do well in Michigan, where the withdrawal of four candidates from the primary ballot leaves just Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Dennis Kucinich and Gravel on the ballot. …

Well, if Mike Gravel believes it, it must be true. Or something.
Have to love Colvin’s puffery, uh, I mean optimism, too. Good frakkin luck.

Now if the other M. Gr., Mark Grebner, would just get to a federal court and start defending his own profession, livelihood, and rights, Michigan Dems might not have to be embarrassed by Gravelmania, and could have some kind of real Democratic delegate-selection process…