Here it is – poached from the Miami Herald, via
Since the DNC is the real force pushing for a re-do in both states, it wouldn’t surprise me if the plan in Michigan shares some features.
I have to say the Florida plan includes some good ideas, including opening store-front voting centers in low-income areas. If money is available (several million dollars) for such centers in Michigan, I’d suggest the emphasis be on high-traffic/high-visibility including downtowns and major malls.
The plan I put forward was designed to hold down the costs, so it would be feasible to conduct the balloting with money raised by selling access rights to the data, but it appears “soft money” will be made available to cover such costs – in low-eight-figures.
My interest is trying to figure out how to create a workable alternative to the mess created by the Jan 15 election, not in supporting either candidate. But I note the occurence of nearly identical media events in both Michigan and Florida, where groups of “semi-authorized spokespersons” supporting Obama announced they were opposed to holding a do-over, for various reasons which sound bogus to me. In each case, the national Obama campaign announced the group didn’t reflect their official position, but were only speaking for themselves. I suspect those announcements were contrived to stake bargaining positions, which I suppose is fair given the Clinton campaign’s continued insistence that the January 15 results should somehow be implemented.
I assume we’re going to see a draft voting plan in Michigan very soon. The biggest difference is likely to be how ballots are distributed. Since Florida has party registration, they can simply mail to every Democrat in the state. In Michigan, the process will hinge on how applications are distributed, and the exact requirements for applying.
For what it’s worth, has opened a betting market on whether Florida and Michigan will actually hold do-over elections, and in each state the betting is about 1-to-2 they will. That is, about a 67% chance.